Call for debate about large developments amid worry about infrastructure
GGI view of the development at Capital Interchange Way
Local councillors in Chiswick have raised concerns about the impact on the Capital Interchange development on the 'already overstretched infrastructure' of Chiswick.
Hounslow Council granted approval for the major housing development at 1-4 Capital Interchange Way. The site in Brentford is being developed by Redrow and Catalyst by Design from plans that were originally submitted back in 2018. The scheme will include 420 new flats built as well as new commercial and retail space.
There will be around 30,000 sq ft of commercial space and 10,000 of retail space.
The eastern side of the site fronts onto Capital Interchange Way and fills almost the entire northern edge of this section of the road. To the west of the site is a train line that is currently used by freight trains only. To the south of the site lies the proposed new access to the Brentford Stadium development.
Cllr Biddolph
Cllr Joanna Biddolph (Turnham Green ward and Leader of the Conservative Group) has issued the following statement about the approval of the scheme by Hounslow Council. The plan is for three towers up to 16 storeys high, to the west of the Citroen garage site in what is currently a scaffolders’ yard.
The statement says, “During this time of national emergency the Conservative and Labour groups on Hounslow Council have agreed to set aside partisan differences and work together to support our residents and communities through the COVID-19 crisis.
“In that spirit I don’t want to criticise this decision. The announcement was made now because the conditional planning approval given last September depended on reaching agreement with the developer on their funding of important community benefits (section 106 payments). That agreement has now been reached.
“However, I am disappointed that we haven’t had another opportunity to raise the concerns we know local residents throughout Chiswick have about the impact of this large development on our already over-stretched infrastructure. There are several other big developments to come, all of which will impact on Chiswick, and we would like them to be considered together, not approved one-by-one. Although, and quite rightly in the circumstances, the planning committee meeting on 2 April was cancelled we must not let these big developments slip through without proper and detailed analysis of how they will affect Chiswick.
“Once normal life resumes – which we will hope will be before too long – we do need to have a big public debate about the cumulative impact on Chiswick of all the proposed developments. In particular, we need to look again at how we can make the neighbouring boroughs work together more effectively where large developments are at, or close to, the borough boundaries.”
Following the submission of the original application changes to the tenure of the flats required a redrawing of the plans after discussions with the Council. The housing mix will be 116 one bedroom units (27.6%), 272 two bedroom units (64.8%) and 32 three bedroom units (7.6%).
Site of planned development. Picture: Google Streetview
An earlier scheme had envisaged towers up to 22 storeys high with a bus garage incorporated into the design.
Overall 3D plan of Capital Interchange Way development
There would be a mix of property types in the development including shared ownership, affordable rent and market ownership.
The overall building organisation is three residential blocks that sit above the mixed-use podium deck with a commercial development located at the northern end of the site next to the A4/M4.
The commercial development is accessed from the north east corner of the site. It consists of 4 levels of commercial space which forms part of one of the residential blocks.
CGI of development at night
The scheme has been approved despite the blocks being visible from local beauty spots such as Gunnersbury Park and Strand on the Green.
Views of new development (purple) from Surrey bank of the Thames
View from the east across Chiswick High Road (South Circular)
Approval is subject to the completion of a legal agreement between the Council and the applicant which covers issues such as materials to be used, parking, cycle parking and accessibility.
Currently it is not possible to give a timetable for the commencement of construction.
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April 10, 2020