Mystery Over Lack Of Litter Bins In Local Park

Residents near Homefield Rec want Council to put them back

Local residents have complained that litter bins in a popular local park have not been replaced when the Council has spent thousands of pounds on wheelie bins for Chiswick.

Three litter bins were removed from Homefield Rec on Chiswick Lane by Carillion Services, who manage parks and open spaces on behalf of LBH.

A Litter bin has been put in the small rec at Netheravon Rd south

Carillon said they needed to remove the bins as they had reached the end of their life and were beyond economic repair. Replacement of furniture such as bins and benches is funded separately by the Council.

A local resident who is a regular dog walker in the Homefields Rec said it was "disconcerting" to think that the Council could spend thousands on wheelie bins which a good many people did not even want, but struggle to find a relatively small sum to replace waste bins.

"There has been no replacement of the bins removed in the wider area of the recreation ground which is used by dog walkers, people jogging , and children. There is one small bin remaining by the playground near the main road but hardly anyone can see it, and that is no use to people using the rest of the park," he commented.

The bins for dog waste have not been affected.

Residents have contacted Cllr John Todd who has raised the matter with LBH and Carillion. The Rec. runs along part of Chiswick Lane and is bordered by the A4. It is popular with the local community and widely used.

Another smaller recreation ground in Netheravon Road South, across the A4 which is not as frequently used, and which had its litter bins removed, has had one replaced recently (pictured above).

January 2, 2015