Chiswick Lib Dems Back 'People's Vote' On Brexit

Call on Conservatives to clarify their Brexit position

Chiswick Liberal Democrat council candidates are backing a new cross party campaign to get the British People a vote on the final Brexit deal. The campaign, called the People’s Vote, was launched in London on Sunday 15 April and saw a cross party group demanding the details of the final deal are put to British voters for approval.

Local Liberal Democrat council candidates believe it is only now that the cost and complexity of Brexit are becoming clear and that the Brexit, which was promised by the Leave campaigners and their Tory supporters like Boris Johnson, is simply not going to happen.

Francis Beddington, Liberal Democrat candidate in Riverside, said: ‘Chiswick’s Liberal Democrat council candidates are 100% behind the new People’s Vote campaign. We believe that Brexit is already hurting public services, the economy and NHS. If elected on May 3rd, we will do our utmost to support the campaign as councillors and ensure the residents of Chiswick, who overwhelmingly rejected Brexit, have councillors who truly reflect their views on this momentous national and local issue.’

The Chiswick Liberal Democrat team also criticised the Brexit policy of the Conservative and Labour parties and their refusal to date to back a vote on the final deal.

Guy de Boursac, Liberal Democrat candidate for Riverside, said: ‘In Chiswick, Labour is trying to pretend that it is an anti-Brexit party, when its leader clearly loves Brexit. The Conservatives are running scared of the issue, too. They have Brexit supporting candidates and by backing the Conservatives you’re backing the party that is forcing through Brexit, despite the fact their own reports show Brexit will make us poorer. If that wasn’t enough, they want a Third Runway at Heathrow!’

April 23, 2018