Open Invitation to High Road Action Group Meeting

Have your say about the High Road

Show your support for independent traders and a thriving High Road at the next Chiswick High Action Group public meeting on Thursday, 12th September - 8pm at Christ Church Turnham Green

Recognising the important contribution of local traders in making Chiswick a great place to live, the next meeting will focus on them and what can be done to keep them thriving in Chiswick.

In particular the meeting will discuss:

  • Stop and shop parking - is this needed? Should CHRAG be asking the council to introduce it?
  • Government changes to planning policy - if the Council cannot prevent change of use from retail to office, what protections remain and how can planning policy support the retention of independents?
  • Discussion about the importance of anchor shops to the High Road, eg Boots, Robert Dyas, M&S, Tesco, Sainsbury's, Superdrug, Waitrose, in maintaining a good balance.
  • Business Improvement Districts - what are they and does Chiswick need one?

  • Update on proposed major development sites; Empire House, Essex Place and Brentford FC Lionel Road development.

A number of prominent local businesses plus some larger stores; Robert Dyas and Waitrose, will be attending, as well as council officers who can explain the relevant policies. Please come along to show your support and tell them how you think shopping in the High Road could be improved.

There will also be an update on major planning applications that affect the High Road and on the Local Plan - following the recent consultation, the council is finalising this document which will inform future planning policy.

For more information before the meeting, email:

CHRAG are very grateful to Christ Church Turnham Green for making the church available for this community event. There will be a collection for the church refurbishment fund, at the end of the meeting.

Find CHRAG on Facebook and Twitter accounts to follow their activities and have your say.

August 30, 2013