CHATR Gives Advice On Responding To The Latest Heathrow Consultation

Helping residents understand the impact of new flight paths, separate to Third Runway campaign

heathrow flight map

(Expanded Heathrow - 3 runways)
• Envelope Type: Arrival
• Height band: 2000ft to 3000ft
• Number of flights: 0-47 Flights per hour
• Number of these flights above 65 decibels: 0-47 Flights per hour

After several weeks of research, working closely with the Bedford Park Society, CHATR says it can provide a fast and effective way to respond to the latest Heathrow consultation document.

Hidden in 'plane sight' are the imminent plans for new early noisy flightpaths turning directly over Chiswick THREE YEARS FROM NOW. Crucially these are using THE EXISTING TWO RUNWAYS and need no new infrastructure.

“If most people think it’s about the 3rd runway, then that’s at least seven years down the line, with legal battles and potential delays in the pipeline. A lot of people may not see the urgency' says Jeanine Josman, spokesperson for CHATR (Chiswick Against The Third Runway) “But we need to wake up to this new threat now or we really could all be woken up very early every single morning from 2022, and we only have just over a week to respond!” The deadline for responses is 11.55pm on 4 March 2019.

CHATR urge as many Chiswick residents as possible to submit their views online or by sending back the form. The greater the number, the more impact in influencing proposals, which will have dramatic impacts across Chiswick from both noise and pollution even if the Third Runway does not go ahead. As a reminder:
• Heathrow are proposing options that would result in 29 flights directly over Chiswick between 06.00 and 07.00am from 2022 – one plane every 2.4 minutes – at very high decibel levels, likely to wake people up. Up to 40 overhead flights per day are proposed at this stage, before implementation of the new runway.
• If the Third Runway is built, Chiswick would be even more significantly affected with incoming low-flying aircraft (at 2,000 - 3,000ft), 47 flights per hour (one every 1.5 minutes) and with all of the flights above the key 65-decibel level. There will be 17 departing flights per hour (one every 3.5 minutes), all above 65 decibels.

There are details of suggested responses to every question here

While efforts continue in an attempt to challenge the Third Runway at the political level, it's vital that as many people as possible complete Heathrow's questionnaire to ensure that, in the event the proposals are implemented, the least damaging options for Chiswick residents are adopted. In a number of instances the options are equally undesirable but the consultation forces us to select the "lesser of two evils."

You can cut and paste the text but, wherever possible we recommend that you adapt the wording slightly rather than copying our version completely so that submissions are not dismissed as being based on a "standard template." However, if you don't have time to do this, it is more important to submit a response!

How To Respond: The deadline for responses is 11.55pm on 4 March. The document with suggested responses written in can be found at or on the attachment provided. It is a clear and helpful guide to answer the document quickly and easily, navigating the complex detail in the document. Use it as you wish.
Or e mail CHATR to get more information on: CHATR@mail.COM

You can also complete the questionnaire:
ONLINE via Heathrow's website:
• Submit your responses to each question by EMAIL -
Please do feel free to distribute this message to neighbours and friends and encourage them to respond.

Article submitted by CHATR

February 25, 2019