Hogarth Singers' Spring Concert

Group to perform Byrd to Britten - Music Through the Centuries

Hogarth Singers' Spring concert will be Byrd to Britten – Music Through the Centuries.

The concert will be directed by Rupert Gill and accompanied by Andrew Wells.

The programme includes a miscellany of works drawn from the sixteenth to twentieth century, including Byrd, Tallis, Bach, Purcell, Handel to Parry, Britten and Gjeilo.

It takes place on Saturday 18 March at 7.30pm at their usual concert venue, St Michael and All Angels, Bath Road, W4 1TT.

Tickets are £13, under 16's are free, and are available from members of the choir or call  07501 714769  or visit their web site.

If you would like to join contact hogarthsingers@gmail.com, or call Sue on  07880 600991.

March 11, 2017