A host of free family activities
Farm on the Move will be at Dukes Meadows on Sunday 5th of May from 10.00am to 2.00pm with a selection of cute farm animals. The event kicks off this year’s season of free family activities which will include; a circus workshop, birds of prey, flying display, donkey rides, Punch & Judy and children’s entertainer Amanda’s Action Kids.
All the events will be in the park beside the Food Market Chiswick (W4 2RX). The market is one of the Dukes Meadows Trust’s social enterprises and raises funds to improve and maintain the park and provide entertainment like the Summer Fun events.
Dukes Meadows Trust is a community based charity recently commended as a model of sustainability by Local Government Magazine. The trust raised the funds to rebuild the two play areas and this Autumn planted over 1500 daffodil bulbs, 25 trees and 200 hedgerow plants.
For directions and more information about the trust please go to www.dukesmeadowstrust.org
April 23, 2013