Challenge To CPZ Proposal For Grove Park

Local councillors persist with opposition to the plan

Another challenge to the controversial decision to proceed with a CPZ in Grove Park and part of Staveley Road is to be made by local councillors.

Councillor Robert Oulds, chairman of the Chiswick Area Forum, is to ‘call in’ the decision at Hounslow Council’s Overview & Scrutiny Committee at 6pm on Tuesday 15th January.

The call-in is intended to look at whether or not Cllr Ed Mayne, who is lead member with responsibility for parking, has made the right decision and to ask him to think again.

Cllr Ed Mayne responded by saying, “Local residents in a Council consultation have expressed a clear preference for controlled parking in Park Road and Staveley Road to mitigate the impact of displacement from the Chiswick House Car Park, which used to be free but now has a charging scheme run by the Council.

"I cannot understand why Conservative Councillors are so keen to challenge the views of residents in these roads. However I look forward to discussing the issues they have raised at the Scrutiny meeting.”

The grounds for the call-in are:

Displacement - that he proposed CPZ scheme does not take into account the displacement of parked vehicles into neighbouring streets.

Safety – that the proposal also does not take into account research by the traffic department, presented to the Chiswick Area Forum on 20th November, 2012, that a CPZ in Park Road is likely to increase average traffic speeds and thus make the road less safe for all users, i.e. pedestrians and local residents.

This is the second time that the issue will come before the Scrutiny Committee. Scrutiny is the process that holds the various functions of the council accountable.

Last September, ten local councillors issued a 'call in', challenging what they believed was the “unauthorised” issuing of a public consultation by Cllr. Ed Mayne.

January 4, 2013