Ofsted Praise For William Hogarth School

First Chiswick school to be inspected under new framework

The William Hogarth School “is a good school” with a “warm, friendly ethos” where “pupils achieve well…making good progress” and where “teaching is consistently good”, according to Ofsted.

Ofsted inspectors visited the school shortly before half-term, making it the first Chiswick school to be inspected under the new, tougher Ofsted framework.  Inspectors found that “pupils behave well, are polite to visitors and considerate towards one another”, that they “do well in all subjects” and that “those eligible for the pupil premium, and the most able pupils, achieve well.”


Head Teacher Cathy Driscoll said “We’re delighted that Ofsted have recognised what a good school this is, after a rigorous and thorough inspection.  Our school has come a long way since it began with 53 pupils eleven years ago.  It’s good that Ofsted agree that we’ve maintained our warm, friendly feel as we’ve grown to be a full two-form entry primary school, while ensuring that all our pupils make good progress.” 

Chair of Governors Andy Rooney commented: “The new inspection framework is very demanding, and we see this ‘Good’ grade as a reflection of the continuing improvement at the school since our ‘Good’ under the old framework three years ago.  Pupils, parents and staff can be very proud of this achievement.”

The Ofsted report is available to view at: http://www.ofsted.gov.uk/inspection-reports/find-inspection-report/provider/ELS/133486


March 4, 2014