Duke Road also no access from High Road and Fishers Lane closure being considered
New signs at the entrance to Devonshire Road
A range of traffic restrictions in central Chiswick are to be implemented by Hounslow Council. These were disclosed in a letter sent to some residents of the borough and include the reduced access to Turnham Green Terrace and Devonshire Road that was floated earlier.
In addition, the letter reveals that access to Duke Road from Chiswick High Road is to be ended for all motorised traffic and discussions are under way with Ealing Council about a closure to all vehicles but buses and bikes of the railway underpass at Fishers Lane.
The closure of Turnham Green Terrace to through motor traffic except buses is to be done on a trial basis. There will still be access to Turnham Green Mews for businesses and their visitors. Some loading bays and blue badge parking places will be retained. All vehicles, not just commercial vehicles will be allowed to use the loading bays with a maximum stay of 20 minutes.
Parking bays suspended near Chiswick Police Station
Most of the parking bays on Turnham Green Terrace will be suspended to create a wider footpath to allow for social distancing.
The council say the scheme will be enforced by CCTV but further details of how this will operate were not contained in the letter.
The footpath is also going to be widened outside Foubert’s between 2 and 12 Turnham Green Terrace to allow social distancing between shoppers and those waiting at the bus stop.
Similar changes are being made on Devonshire Road between Chiswick High Road and Glebe Street. Loading bays will not be strictly confined to ‘goods vehicles’ and most parking bays will be suspended with a few remaining for blue badge holders.
Access will be retained to Prince of Wales Terrace for residents and businesses there.
It will no longer be possible to turn right from Devonshire Road into Glebe Street. As with Turnham Green Terrace, the council say these measures will be enforced with CCTV.
An additional measure which was not previously disclosed by the council is the closure of Duke Road to motor traffic from Chiswick High Road. This will require vehicles intending to head south on Duke Road to turn down Dukes Avenue and the go via Bourne Place. It was previously proposed in a consultation on suggested revisions to the Cycleway 9 scheme but rejected at that time.
Barriers prevent entry into Duke Road from Chiswick High Road
The council say they are ‘looking at options’ to restrict traffic on Fishers Lane and are in detailed discussions with London Borough of Ealing about the closure of the underpass at the railway bridge. The borough boundary is immediately to the south of the bridge. The proposal would be to retain access for buses and cyclists.
Most of these changes will be introduced as Experimental Traffic Orders which allows the council to progress schemes without a full consultation. They will review feedback received over a six month period and make a decision as to whether they should be permanent at that point.
The government has given Transport for London £45 million to distribute to London boroughs for schemes of this nature. It is understood that having started implementation increases the chances of a borough getting funding.
It is anticipated that these changes will take place later this month or in the early part of July.
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June 20, 2020