Devonshire Road Traders Seek Delay To Works

Concern over impact of twelve-week closure from anti-flooding work

Thames Water anti-flooding works, which would close Devonshire Road to traffic for twelve weeks, have been postponed until later this month.

The water company says the works are needed to prevent businesses from sewer flooding and are due to start on Monday 25 January , now a change from the original date of 11 January.

Thames Water say they need to install anti-flooding devices known as FLIPS. These will be housed in manhole like chambers on Devonshire Road.

Devonshire Road was closed last January for Thames Water works

Traders, who are meeting to discuss the situation, have queried whether the work could be done in a shorter time frame. It is understood that the water company will now work seven days in order to have the work finished by Easter.

January 25, 2016