Concern Over Demolition of Former Garthowen Care Home

Site on Barrowgate Road to be redeveloped into affordable housing

Former Garthowen care home on Barrowgate Road
Former Garthowen care home on Barrowgate Road

Locals in the Barrowgate Road have expressed concern over a plan by the The Shepherd’s Bush Housing Association (SBHA) for a significant development on Barrowgate Road in Chiswick.

The proposal is to demolish the former Garthowen care home at 78 Barrowgate Road and develop affordable housing units for shared ownership. Pre-application discussions have been undertaken with LB Hounslow during 2018 and a planning application is expected to be submitted within weeks.

A public exhibition was held last week in Chiswick Town Hall, whch was attended by local people.

However local residents have expressed concern that such a fine building should be allowed to be demolished and one said "why this is not part of a Conservation Area is beyond me".

"Yet another attractive local building that is going to be demolished; it seems that the council doesn't give any heed to retaining existing buildings around here."

Another said: "They managed to grant permission to demolish the attractive building in the conservation area, on the corner of Barrowgate Road and Sutton Court Road, with huge new retirement flats going up there now, so it appears that a conservation area carries no weight."

Some residents have suggested that a campaign should be mounted to save the house from being demolished and are seeking advice on the matter.

We have asked Shepherd's Bush Housing for an update and await a reply.


June 16, 2018