Scheme to Tackle Bath Road Jams Rejected

Councillors vote narrowly against increased parking restrictions

Proposals for new waiting restriction lines and signs along
Bath Road and Turnham Green Terrace, and the installation of 2 new bus stop clearways have been narrowly rejected by local councillors.

The measures aimed to improve the flow of traffic along Bath Road and make existing bus stops Equalities Act 2010 compliant at a cost of £20,000. There would also have been the creation of a 5 minute drop-off bay outside Turnham Green station

An earlier proposal had involved restrictions at junctions with double yellow lines at the junction of the Bath Road and the entrance to the Arts Educational School and also an increase in the times for single yellow line restrictions.

There had been a number of complaints about parking on Saturdays outside the Arts Educational School (Arts Ed) when a lot of weekend dance classes take place for children.  Parked cars were causing visibility problems for cars turning into and out of side roads and if they are too near the refuges buses had difficulty getting past.

Bath Road outside the Arts Educational School

There was a consultation earlier this year which in which some respondents raised concern about the loss of parking spaces. Others were in favour of restrictions.

Following analysis of the responses, the proposals had been amended. A proposal to increase the operational times of single yellow lines had been removed. Some of the bus stop clearways originally proposed would also not go ahead although ones at Abinger Road were retained.

When the proposals were debated at a recent Chiswick Area Forum local councillor Robert Oulds described them as 'overkill' and questioned the adequacy of the original consulation exercise. When the recommendations were put to a vote Councillors voted by three to two to reject them.

November 18, 2014