An Historical Question of Sport

Do you know anything about Chiswick Town Football Club?

As Chiswick residents were able to tell a Tank Historian a thing or two about the Chiswick Tank, we thought perhaps they could also help someone who is looking for information about his father 's team Chiswick Town Football Club.

Derek Clitheroe came across a photograph of his father's football team which he represented from 1925 to around 1930. The photograph (below) which shows his father, Joseph Clitheroe sitting in the middle row on the far right (below right) was printed by the Hammersmith Studio on Tabor Road W6.

"Dad was Captain, Eddie Fothergill was his best friend, but he unfortunately was on HMS Hood when it was sunk at anchor in Scapa Flow by U-Boat action as I remember being told." Derek recalls. "A.Collet was my 'Uncle Bert', married to my Aunty Nance's best friend Pat. They lived in Gunnesbury."

Derek is looking for information on where the team played, which he believes could have been in the grounds of Chiswick House, which league they were in and was it a senior team as his father was born in 1908.

If anyone can help Derek find out more about Chiswick Town Football Club, please email and we will put you in touch.

January 24, 2009