Police Seek Dispersal Order for MacDonald's Teenage Gangs

But Safer Neighbourhood Teams Need To Hear Community's Viewpoints First

Local Safer Neighbourhood's Team Sgt Liz Huggins is looking to members of the community who are affected by the often rowdy and intimidating groups of teenagers and young people who regularly congregate outside MacDonalds on the High Road.

She told ChiswickW4.com "Chiswick Police are very much aware of the problems of youths causing anti social behaviour outside MacDonalds in the afternoons and evenings. We do not want to prevent children or young people from getting home safely or from catching or changing their bus at the stop there, but we do want to stop the anti-social behaviour which is happening on a all too regular basis at the location."

She continued "To prevent this anti-social behaviour from continuing we want to place a dispersal order on the area. This will mean that police will be able to move out of the area and warn anyone who is causing anti-social behaviour and that if they return within 24 hours they will be committing an offence."

To get this initiative off the ground, Sgt Huggins is looking for the views of local residents, visitors to the High Road and commuters who use the bus stop.  She said "We are appealing for anyone who has been affected by the anti-social behaviour at the location to either write a letter to me at the police station or email Elizabeth.Huggins@met.police.uk outlining how they have been affected by this behaviour."

This appeal comes in the same week that Safer Neighbourhoods Team visited Chiswick Community School to give crime prevention advice to the pupils as part of a London wide initiative. Part of a major initiative, the SNTs will be focusing on the priorities of young people as a key part of their work.

On Thursday Safer Neighbourhoods Teams and Safer Schools Officers attended every secondary school in London and begun providing a presence on routes from school to home - including key transport locations. Their aim is to provide crime prevention advice that is relevant to young people and begin the work of identifying the crime and disorder issues in their neighbourhoods that affect and concern young people.

The Schools Initiative forms a key part of the ongoing Anti-social Behaviour Strategy currently been addressed by Safer Neighbourhoods Teams.

April 25, 2012

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The Police in Chiswick

Sgt Liz Huggins,

Chiswick Homefields Ward, Chiswick Police Station,

205 - 209 High Road,

Chiswick W4