Planning Committee meeting votes against the 32-storey tower
The planned tower viewed from Chiswick Roundabout
Hounslow Council's Planning Committee has given a resounding 'No to the 32-storey Chiswick Curve.
There was a unanimous vote at last nights meeting (Jan 12th) against the planning application which had been recommended for refusal by Council planning officials.
Despite the cold weather, about sixty people from groups opposed to the Curve, turned up at the meeting in the Civic Centre, to show their strength of opposition to the project.
It is not yet known whether the developers will appeal the decision.
Planning officers had rejected the proposal for the 32-storey Chiswick Curve on several grounds, including its size, and the fact that it could cause "substantial harm" to local heritage sites.
A key reason for the rejection by council planners is the impact that the building would have on a number of local heritage sites particularly Kew Gardens. They also said that the large structure would be "at odds with the wider urban and historic character of the area."
The report also criticised the design saying, "The standard of design proposed would not be outstanding or of the highest quality and the proposed provision of affordable housing at the site would not maximize affordable housing delivery or promote mixed and balanced communities."
It also said the development proposed was too much for the site. "The quantum of development proposed at the site is excessive and has eroded the quality of the architectural design."
The decision was referred to the Planning Committee because of the high level of local interest in the application, which the council said constituted an "exceptional circumstance."
Local groups in Chiswick, Kew and Brentford had been campaigning strongly against the development, including residents' and community groups, conservationists as well as the Green Party, English Heritage, Kew Gardens, and Tony Arbour MLA. Their opposition rested mainly on the grounds that this was an unsuitable site for residential development, that the structure was too high, there would be a negative impact on traffic and public transport, increased pollution, and there was currently a lack of surrounding infrastructure.
The Chiswick Curve from Strand on the Green
A view from the A4
January 14, 2017