Council says informal consultation demonstrated residents' backing
A typical bike hangar
Hounslow Council has approved the installation of six new bike hangars in Chiswick.
It says the more follows a ‘high number’ of requests for secure cycle parking in residential areas as more residents are cycling due to the Covid-19 pandemic. There have also been reports locally of increased incidents of cycle theft.
The choice of sites that were consulted on were based upon locations that have limited access to cycle parking (i.e. terraced houses and flats were prioritised), the age of the request, alongside the number of similar requests received nearby.
The locations are:
- Ashbourne Grove, Chiswick (Second bike hangar)
- Balfern Grove, Chiswick
- Dartmouth Place, Chiswick
- Oxford Road North, Chiswick
- Stamford Brook Avenue, Chiswick
- Thorney Hedge Road, Chiswick
Thirteen sites were consulted on in Brentford and Chiswick between 20 November 2020 and 21 December 2020, with only one outside Chiswick, Braemar Road in Brentford, being progressed to implementation. The decision was made not to install bike hangars at suggested sites at Duke Road, Riverview Road, Waldeck Road and Whitehall Park Road.
A total of 157 responses were received via the council’s consultation webpage, email and telephone. Overall, 80 respondents were in favour of installation of a bike hangar, 70 were against the idea and 7 were not sure about whether a bike hangar would be beneficial.
At Ashbourne Grove, 75% of respondents were in favour of a second hangar being implemented adjacent to the existing hangar. The current hangar is currently oversubscribed and has generated a waiting list of 40 people.
All respondents were in support of the bike hangar at Balfern Grove with four residents interested in renting a space.
Dartmouth Place had 72% of respondents in support of a with five residents expressing an interest in renting a space within the hangar.
Oxford Road North saw 100% of respondents to this proposal in support with seven hoping to rent a space within the hangar.
89% of respondents to the Stamford Brook Avenue hangar proposal were in favour. This will be positioned to support both households at Stamford Brook Avenue and flats at Tomlison Close.
Thorney Hedge Road saw 63% support for a hanger. The adjacent road, Silver Crescent already recently has a bike hangar installed, which became oversubscribed and generated a waiting list of 20 people.
The sites at Duke Road and Riverview Road saw 40% and 54% support respectively. They will be reconsidered at a later date subject to funding. 85% of responses were against the proposal in Waldeck Road. This is the second time a consultation process has been undertaken for a bike hangar at this location, with a different location proposed. However, on both occasions, respondents did not favour the installation of a hangar. 79% were against a hangar in Whitehall Park Road, however, a number of those giving feedback suggested alternative locations on neighbouring roads which will be investigated in the future.
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March 14, 2021