Addison Singers To Perform 'The Gravity Of Kindness'

Oratorio Choir present world premiere of Howard Goodall piece

addison singers

The Addison Singers to perform brand new composition by Howard Goodall: ‘The Gravity of Kindness’ - a Christmas Meditation for soprano, chorus & chamber orchestra.

Commissioned by the Addison Singers in memory of Cathy Bereznicki and thanks to her bequest, this 15 minute piece is a beautiful and moving gem inspired by three pieces of text: the poem ‘Kindness’ by Naomi Shihab Nye, the ‘Coventry Carol’, and a traditional Mexican lullaby. Howard is also a Barnes resident and frequent visitor to Chiswick.

The concert will take place on Saturday 7 December at 7.30pm at St. Peter’s Church, Acton Green W4 89 Southfield Road, Chiswick. The Church is at the junction of St Alban’s Avemue.

Alongside the new piece the Oratorio Choir sing Part 1 of ‘Messiah’ in addition to the ever popular ‘Hallelujah Chorus’, whilst the Chamber Choir perform more recent seasonal music by Huw Watkins, James Macmillan and Judith Weir.

Tickets cost in advance £15, or £3 for under 16's £3 (+ booking fee). On the door the charge will be £18 / £3.

For more info about the choir go to

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November 30, 2019