Meetings to discuss crime issues for Isleworth and Osterley residents

Your chance to get involved in the fight against crime

Isleworth and Osterley residents will be able to talk about local policing concerns in their areas at two meetings to be held in January.

The Osterley and Spring Grove Safer Neighbourhoods Team will meet on Wednesday 11th January 2006 at 7.30pm at Isleworth and Syon School, Ridgeway Road, Osterley, Middlesex.
The purpose of the meeting is hear what the local police team has been doing in the area, our plans for the future and for Police to listen to local concerns.
If anybody wishes to raise a point but is unable to attend, or wants more details, they should contact:

Chris Lavender PC291TX
Osterley & Spring Grove
Safer Neighbourhoods Team
Brentford Police Station
St. Paul's Road
020 8721 2809

Isleworth residents can attend the Isleworth Crime and Safety Forum

The ICSF meet regularly to discuss local Crime and Safety with the Local Police Officer and Councillors.

The next Meeting will be held on 23rd January 2006 at 730pm at the Isleworth Hall in South Street. For furthur details visit their website.

4 Jan 2006