Before detailed planning application is submitted
Brentford FC has been planning to relocate from Griffin Park to a new purpose-built stadium at Lionel Road South.
The club received detailed planning consent for this new community stadium in June 2014.
Outline planning consent was also granted for up to 910 new homes, 1,200 sqm of retail and a new 160 bed hotel alongside public and private amenity space on the land surrounding stadium site.
Prime Place of Wilmott Dixon are now preparing a reserved matters planning application which will detail how these elements of the site are to be developed.
Brian Brady, Managing Director of Prime Place says, "We believe that the site offers an excellent opportunity to provide much-needed new homes for Brentford, create new, high-quality public realm, and regenerate this underused site".
There will be a public exhibition to get feedback on the plans on 15 & 16 May.
Members of the team will also be available to explain the proposals and answer any questions you may have.
The exhibition is taking place over two days:
Dates: Friday 15 May 3pm - 7.30pm
Saturday 16 May 9.30am - 1pm
Venue: Brentford Boating Arch,
Unit 5, Kew Bridge Arches,
W4 3NG
Feedback via
Lionel Road South
c/o Four Communications
20 St Thomas Street
T Katherine Newcombe on 020 3697 4293
Visit the website for more information:
May 2, 2015