Help get your local park clean and eat for free

Friends of St Pauls to get neighbourhood clean-up

Help get your local park clean and eat for free.

That's the deal at the Clean Up Day to be held at St Pauls Recreation Ground on Lateward Rd, Brentford, on Sunday 19 March.

The day is being organised by volunteer group The Friends of St Pauls. Group member Nigel Cliffe explained. "We set up the Friends in 2003 to make the park a better place. We've obtained funding for new benches, signs and bins and we wanted to get everyone involved in giving the park a spring clean".

"All people have to do is turn up in clothes they don't mind getting a bit dirty. Park managers CiP are supplying all the equipment needed. We'll be painting the fence, weeding, cleaning graffiti and generally spucing the place up. And there's free food from our barbecue for everybody who works for an hour."

The clean-up day runs from 11am to 5pm. For more details ring Matt on 020 8560 7033

Mar 9 2006

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