Our Barn Community Presents Our World

Art Exhibition at The Brook in support of young people with autism or learning disabilities

Our World

Our Barn is a bridge between formal education and adult life for young people with learning disabilities and/or autism. It's a special place to share experiences, to grow and to develop in a caring and supportive environment that focuses on holistic success rather than academic outcomes.

The pathway
The Pathway, Jairaj (Acrylic on canvas)

Their latest venture is the “Our World” exhibition, opening on Sunday 12th January and running until 23rd January from 3pm - 6pm daily. It is part of the #iwill social action programme funded by The Big Lottery fund and Local community foundation and is a representation of “the world through our eyes”.

Connecting with artists such as Diana Braybrook & Marc from Orleans gallery participants were inspired to learn new techniques and explore new mediums. "This exhibition is only a glimpse of the journey we have been on together".

The field of flowers
The Field of Flowers, Melody (acrylic and cement on canvas)

Our Barn have been welcomed with open arms by generous hosts for the exhibition, Tim and Tosh at The Brook on the corner of New Road and Brook Road South, TW8 0NU and look forward to exhibiting the art in their space for the run of "Our World.

To purchase an original piece you can make an "unlimited donation". Visit Our Barn or instagram @ourbarncomm Proceeds from sales go the artist. Enquiries should go yo kelly@ourbarn.org.uk

Fallen leaf
Fallen Leaf, Amanda (acrylic on canvas)

January 8, 2020