Pamper and Swish Evening at the Mulberry Centre
With other news and dates as well as requests for help

Pamper and Swish Evening
To help you get ready for the festive season The Mulberry Centre will be holding their first ever “pamper and swish” evening. The evening takes place at The Mulberry Centre on 20 November from 4-8pm.
This is a real treat of an evening with pamper sessions such as Indian head massage, reflexology, threading, mini manicures available all evening. All complementary therapy sessions will require pre booking. Booking opens 1 November - be quick as sessions are limited! To book call 020 8321 6300.
There will also be a chance to get a new outfit for your wardrobe in a “swish” session.
- All you need to do is bring at least one item (we welcome lots more than one!) of quality women’s clothing, shoes or accessory. These can normally be found lurking in the back of the wardrobe waiting for a slimmer day or still in its original bag with tags.
- Bring in swish items between 5.30 and 6.30pm on the day. If you can’t attend but would like to donate good quality clothing please contact Gurpreet on 020 8321 6304.
- Each item will be swapped for a token. Number of tokens given will depend on whether item is Supermarket, High Street or High End! Tokens will also be available to purchase on the evening.
- Swish starts at 7.00pm.
- Swap your tokens for a new outfit ready for the social season!
We will also be selling stocking fillers and gifts on the evening. Bring your friends (and your purses) and enjoy a real treat of an evening.
Upcoming Events
DVD and CD Sale on Thursday 24 October from 11 -3pm in the West Middlesex University Hospital Atrium. Please bring any CDs and DVDs into the Centre by 21 October. Unfortunately due to storage constraints we cannot accept any books at the moment.
i love Richmond Art Exhibition Private View in aid of The Mulberry Centre on Saturday 2 November 2013 between 6pm and 9pm. Jan Stevens (artist) will be available on the evening to talk about her work. Tickets are £10 per person. If you wish to attend, please state the number of tickets required, your name, enclose a cheque made payable to The Mulberry Centre and post to Jan Stevens, The Bowman Gallery, 9 Worple Way, Richmond TW10 6DG. You can also donate online at themulberrycentre
Christmas Bucket Collections. Do you love Christmas! Does it fill you with joy to smile at complete strangers in the festive season? Do you like wearing a silly hat? Then we need you! Jolly volunteers are required for the following bucket collections (silly hat optional):
28 November Asda Feltham
14 December Asda Hounslow
15 December Tesco Twickenham
18 December Richmond Station carol collection
If you can offer a couple of hours of your time please contact
Bucket collections are a great way to give to the Centre as they can raise between £100 -£500 which goes directly to The Mulberry Centre.
How You Can Help?
Knitters and wool needed. Do you know the difference between purl and pearl? If you do we need you. Every year our knitting group furiously knit snowmen to sell at Christmas. After their success last year they hope to sell more. Can you help us by supplying knitters or wool? We can provide patterns or you can come and meet our other knitters on Wednesday afternoon from 1.00 – 2.30pm at The Mulberry Centre.
Can you spare just one hour at the end of October? British Summertime officially ends on 27 October and you will gain an extra hour as the clocks change. You could use that hour for an extra hour in bed or you could give it to us! Donate that hour to help people affected by cancer: you could donate the price of a cup of coffee that you might drink over that hour; give us one hour’s pay; or use that hour to bake a cake that you then sell to raise money. Whether its £1 or £100 every penny makes a difference.
To donate your hour visit or text GAHR27 with your donation amount to 70070. Please note you will also be charged for the text by your network provider. Remember to let us know by email what you did for that hour!
… Chris who raised over £883.00 by taking part in Ride London. If you are interested in taking on this cycling challenge for 2014 contact Gurpreet at
… Waitrose Kingston and all its customers who nominated us, put their green tokens in and helped us to receive £433.00. Next time you are at a Waitrose please ask for a form to nominate The Mulberry Centre – the more nominations, the more likely we are to be picked!
… Radnor House School who raised £800 at their recent art and craft sale.
.. Osterley Park Hotel, MACE Garage and WH Smith for having collection cans on their premises and raising nearly £300.00. If you think you know somewhere that could have a collection can and/ or you are willing to help collect cans please contact Gurpreet at
The Mulberry Centre, WMUH, Twickenham Rd, Isleworth TW7 6A
October 7, 2013