Renovated Brentford Scout Hut Unveiled

Home of The Black Wolves given a makeover after being closed for a year

Simon Shewry, Lampton Director; Neal Andrews, Scout Leader; Margo Barry, Beavers Leader; Cllr Guy LambertSimon Shewry, Lampton Director; Neal Andrews, Scout Leader; Margo Barry, Beavers Leader; Cllr Guy Lambert

December 9, 2022

The newly renovated Brentford Scout Hut, long-standing home of the 6th Brentford Air Scout Group The Black Wolves, has been officially unveiled.

Councillor Guy Lambert alongside Lampton Services Director Simon Shewry and Scout Leader Neal Andrews and Beavers Leader Margo Barry did the honours.

Last year The Brentford Scout Hut was forced to close for essential refurbishment. Hit by the impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic, its income stalled making essential repair works unaffordable. The situation prompted a community driven effort to save the Hut.

Lampton Services, which delivers services for Hounslow Council, stepped in and provided over 80 hours of volunteer work to refurbish the Hut, delivering interior and roof repairs, installing a new kitchen, refurbishing bathrooms and helping create a landscaped garden that includes a pond to attract nature and encourage biodiversity for the benefit of the scouts and local area.

Local builders merchant Buildbase also contributed, providing materials and supporting products whilst local landscaping experts, Blakedown, assisted in creating a landscaped garden.

Hounslow Council’s Cabinet Member for Environment, Highways and Operational Services, Councillor Guy Lambert, was instrumental in saving the site. He said, “Rescuing the Brentford Scout Hut from forced closure has been an enduring community effort that I am delighted to have been a part of. A well-known and much-loved community space, the Scout Hut at Willow Close has been running for over 100 years and it was uplifting to see local residents and businesses band together to protect its future.”

Simon Shewry, Lampton Director, says, “We are really proud of the work our colleagues and the whole community have put in to save the Brentford Scout Hut, a community hub that is valued by many. At Lampton we are committed to supporting the local community and we’re proud that the Scout Hut will be the happy home of The Black Wolves for many years to come, as well as being enjoyed by others in the community.”

Meetings at the Scout Hut are due to restart in February 2023. Registrations are available for local boys and girls for Beavers (ages 6 – 8), Cubs (ages 8 – 10.5) and Scouts (ages 10.5 to 14.5) by contacting the group on

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