Railway Bridge Clean-up Hopes Resuscitated

Can Angie Bray's intervention with Network Rail bring results?

Angie Bray recently labelled Acton High Street's notoriously graffitied railway bridge an 'eyesore' and took matters into her own hands with Network Rail.

The Conservative candidate for Ealing Central and Acton noticed the long-running saga of complaints on the ActonW3.com discussion forum and elsewhere about the total lack of action towards any form of clean-up.

Ms Bray commented: "It's appalling that residents have been asking for this to be done for so long without anything happening. I understand that it was announced at one point that the graffiti would be cleaned off, but that obviously never happened. I think it is time to ensure that Network Rail make this matter a priority."

She wrote to one of her contacts at Network rail and received a reply from Chris Wiggan, Public Affairs Manager for London and the South East.

He said: "With regards to the graffiti, I’ll have a look into this and ask our maintenance team to remove it."

Could this mean the bridge, which residents were promised would be completely cleaned in July 2008, is about to be smartened up?

Residents used to dealing with Network Rail did not have much faith that anything would be done. One poster on the discussion forum recently asked other residents for advice on getting two trees, growing dangerously close to Network Rail cables, pruned. She said: "Network Rail has agreed several times over the past ten years to carry out the work and I've been given dates when it will be done but nothing has ever happened."

Mr Wiggan continued: "If [members of the public] have problems with graffiti, overgrown vegetation, litter or fly tipping on Network Rail property (i.e., bridges, trackside etc) they can contact our 24 hour helpline on 08457 11 41 41 or email crsouth@networkrail.co.uk and get it resolved.

Network Rail have been asked to give further details on when Acton can expect to enjoy a graffiti-free bridge, but so far have not made an official comment. Perhaps a new coat of paint and a fresh colour scheme might transform this 'eyesore' into something more desirable.

 September 18, 2009

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For help with graffiti, overgrown vegetation, litter or fly tipping on Network Rail property contact their 24 hour helpline on 08457 11 41 41 or email crsouth@networkrail.co.uk to get it resolved.

Acton Railway Bridge

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Railway Bridge Acton up close
Have you had correspondence with Network Rail about removing the graffiti or other matters? We'd like to hear about it. Email editor@actonw3.com

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