Desperately Seeking Pregnant Ladies

Have fun and earn £5 or chocolates

A student working  towards a Master's Degree at the University of Plymouth is conducting a study to find out why mothers-to-be struggle with their memory and concentration during pregnancy.  She is returning home for three weeks between 24th June and l5th July and needs about 30 volunteers who are between 6 and 9 months pregnant.

It has been difficult to find pregnant women as she is not permitted to approach Maternity Wards or surgeries etc to help.

As an incentive, she would be willing to pay £5 or chocolates to anyone who completes the test.

The study lasts 45 minutes and is all completed on a lap top.  Should you wish to know a bit more about the theories behind pregnancy and memory loss, she is happy to have a chat and
can be contacted on or on her mobile 07743451568.

She will be happy to meet you at your home or, if you prefer, maybe she could meet you in a local cafe to conduct the study.


June 29, 2007