Zone K1 Not OK for Furious Resident

Jane Bryant uncovers discrepancy in parking permit renewal system

Ealing Council was forced to apologise to a resident this week after she complained about drivers being duped by their Parking Services.

Jane Bryant who lives in Maldon Road discovered that due to a computer database error, some residents living in Cumberland Park, Goldsmith Avenue and Maldon Road had been paying an annual charge of £45 to park in their zone (K1) when everyone else in the same zone was only paying £25.

Ms Bryant discovered the discrepancy when she tried to pay the charge on-line and found she had been paying more than the going rate.

She is concerned that elderly people who do not use the internet would have continued to pay the higher, incorrect charge.

Ms Bryant was furious that when she originally contacted the Council to query the charge, she was also given incorrect information about Zone K and Zone K1. She said: "Whilst this data incompetence fiasco was being exposed, senior management of Ealing Council Parking Services at first stated that Zone K1 residents could not park in Zone K. Upon provision of the Cabinet minutes that contradicted this, said management then changed its mind and has finally admitted Zone K1 residents can park in Zone K."

When Ms Bryant posted her comments on the discussion forum she was advised to look at two earlier items which had appeared on the website in 2008.

This website had covered the initial confusion over Zone K and K1 permits and supplied Ms Bryant with the correct information. (see box above for previous parking stories)

Ms Bryant commented: "To say that Ealing Council couldn’t find its way out of an administrative brown paper bag is a considerable understatement."

A Council spokesman said: "Some roads which used to be in zone K were transferred into zone K1, but because of an error in the computer database some households were charged the permit cost for their old zone.

"We are sorry for the error and are now in the process of identifying those motorists who have been overcharged and will be refunding them as quickly as possible." advises all residents to check they are paying the right amount for parking in the Borough. This website frequently publishes items giving useful information on new parking zones and parking regulations.

January 15, 2010