Angie Bray gets the nod over Horn Lane pollution

Government supports local MP and calls for debate

Local MP Angie Bray today again raised in the House of Commons the issue of pollution in Horn Lane. Speaking during questions to the Secretary of State for Environment, Food, and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) she asked specifically about the role of bodies like the Environment Agency and pressed the Government to give them "sharper teeth" so as to tackle the problem of industrial units - like those on Horn Lane - that continually flout the law by allowing activities that push pollution beyond legal limits.

DEFRA Minister Richard Benyon responded and confirmed that the Government would be offering its full support to Angie's, and local action group SHLAP's, campaign to reduce the pollution blight in the area. The Minister also confirmed that Angie has been successful in securing an Adjournment Debate on the issue, which will be held next week. The debate gives Angie the opportunity to speak directly to the Minister about the unacceptable pollution in Horn Lane and press for further action to be taken.

Angie said afterwards, "I will continue to press on this important issue so that we get some tangible results. It really is unacceptable that residents are being left, by the inaction of official agencies, to live in polluted conditions which seriously damage their quality of life."


December 09, 2010