Tune Inn's Licence to be Suspended

Licensing Police feel situation 'cannot continue'

The Tune Inn on Acton High Street is to receive notification from Ealing Council that their licence will be suspended for one month. The suspension is due to start around December 9th.

Licensing Sergeant Nigel Charlton says the suspension notice has been served because the Tune Inn have not been keeping to the terms of their licence.

Police have had reports noise as well as violence and problems with sometimes up to 40 smokers congregating outside (currently the Tune Inn is allowed a maximum of 15 in front of the club).

Police were called to the Tune Inn in January after fighting broke out in the premises leaving one man lying injured on the pavement outside. Three men were arrested for public disorder offences.

On Sunday February 8th 25 people were seen in the designated smoking area - 10 more than were allowed to be there at the same time. This offence was repeated several times on subsequent occasions. Also, people were seen entering the club numerous times after the time the doors were supposed to be closed. There were many occasions when there were not the correct number of people on the door and those who were did not have the correct SIA (Security Industry Association) licence.

Bogdan Turek, the manager of the club, acted as doorman on many occasions despite the fact that he does not have the necessary SIA qualification to do so.

On June 6th a man was punched in the face on the dance floor but the correct procedures (calling an ambulance and police) were not followed. The victim was left to make his own way to hospital and reported the incident the next day.

On July 5th an Ealing Council officer witnessed a violent assault on a man in a crowd of 40 people, all of whom were outside the club. The incident was not reported or recorded correctly by Tune Inn staff in its incident book. Mr Turek's sister, who had to go to the police station as her brother was away, was told that the Tune Inn had to comply with the terms of the licence as agreed with the Police and Ealing Council.

A number of other incidents, several of them potentially or actually dangerous, happened over the following weeks. It was clear to Nigel Charlton, Licensing Officer, that Mr Turek "had scant regard for his licence conditions."

Sergeant Charlton continued: "By[Mr Turek's] own admission his customers get annoyed at him if him he tries to control the number of smokers and have, on occasion, assaulted him. This is unacceptable behaviour both by his customers and him. Despite knowing that he is not SIA badged and can’t work as a doorman nor employ doorstaff directly. He does both. He will not accept advice. I have asked Mr Turek to comply with his conditions many times, he has demonstrated that he can not or will not."

Police are seeking the revocation of this licence as they feel this situation cannot be allowed to continue.



November 27, 2009

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e: eastacton.snt@met.police.uk

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e: southacton.snt@met.police.uk

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e: actoncentral.snt@met.police.uk

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e: southfield.snt@met.police.uk

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