From Drugs Wasteland to Community Garden

Westcott Park  garden transformed

Catalyst Housing Association along with local residents have transformed a tired corner of Acton into a Community Garden.

For some years the Westcott Park garden in North Acton, was overgrown and in extreme disrepair. It required complete clearing and ground preparation before any planting could take place.

During the cleaning process, a number of hypodermic needles were found and the area needed specialist clearing before local people could gain access.

It took three years and 2,000 voluntary hours from residents and corporate volunteers from companies including Catalyst Housing, media company Starcom and soft drinks firm Britvic to transform the space.

The garden is now a beautiful community space and is being used by voluntary groups to grow their own food, produce honey and eggs and organise social events.

Catalyst Gateway and Groundwork London are also using the garden to deliver training in gardening, conservation and livestock rearing.

On Saturday 19th October, they held an event at the garden with the community who made it happen, to celebrate everyone’s achievements.




23rd October 2013



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Westcott Park community garden
End of Perry Avenue
Westcott Park estate
Acton W3 6YH