Don't Fall Victim to Burglars This Holiday

Advice in East Acton from police and council

From 9-18 December, officers from the safer communities team and local police visited properties in East Acton, to offer residents free home security checks and Smartwater packs.

Smartwater is a paste that can be used to mark valuables; is impossible to remove and has a unique forensic code that can be traced back to the owner if recovered by police.

The home visits were undertaken by the council and police as part of a home safety awareness initiative funded by the Mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime, which was launched in Greenford last month. The initiative provides home security advice to residents living in areas where there have been recent burglaries.

With Christmas approaching and presents being placed under the tree, residents are being reminded to hide valuables and not leave boxes for new purchases outside with the rubbish to reduce the risk of being targeted by an opportunistic thief.

Councillor Ranjit Dheer, cabinet member for community safety and services said: “Being burgled is very distressing . That’s why we’re working with residents to remind them about simple steps they can take to protect their property and valuables, making them less appealing to burglars.”

Steps to help keep your home secure include:

• Don’t keep your spare keys in an obvious place, especially just inside the front door
• Look like you’re in when you’re out – set timer switches to turn lights and radios on and off
• Remember, if you have a UPVC door, lift the handle to engage the locking points and then lock it securely by turning the key
• Make sure your valuables can’t be seen through the windows
• Make sure all garden tools are locked away – burglars could use your own garden equipment to force a door or window.

For more information and tips on securing your home this holiday period, visit or contact the council’s safer communities team on 020 8825 5994.



19th December 2013